The Guarnieri Home Web Page

Hello My name is Anthony J. Guarnieri I began this project of searching out My Families Roots in 1994. It began with My late Grandmother Evelyn "Gude" Smith. It was when she handed me a copy of her Family Tree "The Lemker Family Tree" and After reading all the stories and viewing the photos of The Life and Times Of Her/Our Family Member's, That I was so Inspired to search out My Own "Guarnieri" Roots Branch of Our Family Tree... I purchased a computer and was on the internet in the late fall of 1994.. After several months of research,,
{ calling relatives, writing letters, searching for records at the County, and State Offices, and searching the local Cemeteries. I then Purchased The Family Tree Maker program to keep track of all My Family Records... In the Spring of 1995 I self taught myself in the art of html web page publishing and posted a simple one page web site on the Prodigy Network,,,, I originally just had some typed out text version of some of the Family information I had Gathered, and with an e-mail address, I started to reach out through the internet and make new Contacts and get new Ideas for my Family Project,, Also in the spring of 1995 I went on an adventure To make a World Wide Database for The Guarnieri Surname From Where every person of The Guarnieri Surname would have a place for a common ground to Exchange information and find new family members and Learn more about our Families History/Heritage...I sent out over 500 Letters to Guarnieri's, Mostly in the USA and to other parts of the World as well, Including Guarnieri's in Italy, and South America. Writing them about My Project to Unite persons of the Guarnieri Surname together. I sent out family information sheets with return envelopes to gather as Much Information as I could about the Guarnieri Surname.... I received about 100 letters back and was still receiving some over one year after the initial mailing..!!! All kinds of Family Information was coming in.. Including many interesting family stories of how many people Immigrated to the USA and how life was back then in Italy... In That summer of 1995 around the end of June beginning of July with the financial backing of my Brother
Matthew Guarnieri who registered the rights to the Domain Name Of "http://www.guarnieri.com" "The Guarnieri Home Web Page" was born..!!! We Had our own Personal Web Sever site with a 250 meg capacity .!! and I Switched Over To the American Online Service... I Downloaded a GENDEX program which converted my Family Tree Maker GED.COM file into HTML Web Pages so as I could now post all our family information on the Internet,, Soon after, the web site was broken into the many different pages that make up the site as we see today, and Color/Graphics were added along with the Guest book, Bulletin Board, Calendar,, etc.. The Online database originally contained only about 1500 persons the first year,{ 1996}, the Second year { 1997} 3,300 persons,, the third {1998} 5,600 persons,,, the fourth {1999} Over 8,300 persons,,,, Today over 9,600 persons, and still growing..!!! 1995 was the first year I displayed My Own families version of the Guarnieri Family Tree at the Family reunion held August of that Year... It was a disaster sort of speak with there being more mistakes and missing information than was presented on the original piece of Cardboard.... This was the first time anyone in our family had ever tried to make a Family Tree,, and I was not to Be Discouraged. The next year there was only about 100 mistakes and the years later only 20 or so.. until now were there is usually under 10 corrections needed to be made every year..... In 1999 We reunited several Lost branches of the family making the Displayed version of the Family Tree some 4 feet high by 24 feet wide and over 350 persons..!!!!

A Special Thanks To My Family ...Wife Janice, My three lovely children Anthony, Andrew, and Amy.. and to ALL the persons who shared the same interest in there families History/Heritage as Myself..

" We Live On Forever Through The Memories Of Our Families History/Heritage Passed On Down Through The Younger Generations"

Anthony J. Guarnieri...... ....Last Updated January 2003....

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